
Thursday, April 12, 2012


It all started, once again, because I had a question(s) that I had to know the answer to.  The question was seemingly a relatively simple one.  “How do we correctly determine the beginning of the year of Yahweh’s calendar?”  It just did not seem logical to me that keeping Yahweh’s calendar was dependent on physically sighting the barley in aviv in the land of Yisrael and then physically sighting the first crescent moon from Yahrushalayim.  I am personally of the belief that Messianic believers should keep “the Feasts of Yahweh”, but is the keeping of the feast correctly supposed to be technologically dependent? (e.g. telephone and internet connection / communication).  The seeming complex issue of the calendar of Yahweh had been bothering me for about two months before the arrival of the latest Passover season. (Which is 2012 on the Pope’s calendar.)

In my e-mail communications prior to Pesach I stated my concerns and questions and a few people cared enough to reply to my inquiry, for which I am very grateful.  For the record, I want to state at this point that I do not consider myself to be the voice of authority on absolutely anything.  It is my desire to share what I have found to be true and then to share the source of these findings with you and then based on the facts hopefully a renewed dialogue will spark within the Messianic community.  We do not need to fear wrestling with the Word until we are satisfied we have come into the knowledge of the Truth. (Bereshith 32:24-30)
Yahweh intends for every one of us to seek, ask and knock. (Mattithyahu 7:7, Acts 17:11)  He desires His Spirit to teach us and be the final authority of His Word. (Yahonan 14:26, 16:13, 1Yahonan 2:27)  We all can testify to the fallacy of following men.  We were all guilty of practicing sun-worship in Jesus name when the set-apart Spirit called us out of Babylon.  Now, that we have followed the Spirit into the wilderness are we really going to be content with following another man or are we going to be content with nothing less than following the cloud by day and the fire by night?

I myself have had to repent of following men and not the set-apart Spirit concerning this very topic at hand.  Back in 2003 I wrote a paper titled, “The Passover Feast, the Whore and The Beast”.  The set-apart Spirit had led me to understanding many difficult issues concerning the timing of Yahoshua’s death, burial and resurrection.  I knew absolutely nothing concerning the Hebrew Roots of the faith at that time and I had just begun to keep the set-apart Sabbath unto Yahweh.
The set-apart Spirit led me to understand two very important truths during the period of time I was researching that article.  One, the New Moon (ha Chodesh) was always reckoned by the conjunction until the time after the second temple was destroyed in AD 70.  Two, the meal that Yahoshua and His disciples ate was not the Passover meal.  It was the preparation meal they ate together and it was at this meal he instituted the memorial of the bread (not unleavened) and the wine.  I published all my findings in 2003 without the slightest intent of personally keeping “the Feasts of Yahweh”.

However, very soon afterward, I began to attempt to keep “the Feasts of Yahweh”.  Unbelievably, I completely ignored the revelation given me by the set-apart Spirit and instead began to observe the feast by the Hillel calendar.  Later in my walk, I received the revelation of “The Mark of Elohim” and at this point, I could not keep the feasts of Yahweh because I was just not absolutely convinced we were supposed to keep them or even that we could.  However, I continued to keep the Sabbath and to find fellowship with the Messianic community of believers.

In 2010 Jenn and I began to keep “the Feasts of Yahweh” as we believed the set-apart Spirit was leading us to do so.  From that time forward we have simply kept the feasts according to whatever calendar the local fellowship was keeping and we did not take any real personal responsibility for when we were celebrating the appointed times of Yahweh.  I guess in all reality our philosophy was “when in Rome do as the Romans do”.  After all, it is always easier to just go with the flow and we really did not consider it of very great importance when we kept the feasts as long as we were keeping them.   

In addition to rejecting the revelation the set-apart Spirit had given me in 2003 concerning the calendar, I also rejected the revelation of “the preparation meal” in favor of Yahoshua eating the Passover.  This rejection was so complete I even went and changed the paper I had published to my blog.  I did this because I heard a famous Messianic teacher with a well known seminar on “the Feasts of Yahweh” teach the meal Yahoshua and His taught ones ate was the Passover.  

As I have joyfully repented of listening to men and following men instead of the set-apart Spirit, this Passover season, once again, I marvel at how wicked and deceitful my heart truly is.  Thankfully, I had saved the original teaching and thus I was able to go back to my blog and change it back to the correct understanding that Yahweh had revealed by His set-apart Spirit.

I thank Yahweh for restoring both revelations to me according to His favor.  This time I intend to hold onto both with both hands and not let go of them until Yahoshua returns.  I will not take the time to teach the foundations of either of these understandings because they are already available in the publication, “The Passover Feast, The Whore and The Beast”.  However, I do have some very provocative / profound questions to ask the assembly of the Messiah.

1) What year do you believe Yahoshua died?  This is the very first question I had to ask when I was researching the article I originally published.  With approximately 3,000,000 celebrants at the Passover in Yahrushalayim at the time Yahoshua was killed there were plenty of eye witnesses to the extraordinary events surrounding His death, burial and resurrection. e.g. supernatural darkness, a great earthquake, the heavy damage to the temple caused by the earthquake, etc.  

Every extra-Scriptural source from secular, Yahudim and Messianic eye-witnesses of these events record this Pesach as being in AD 30.  All of the eye-witnesses compliment the accounts of “the Gospels”. e.g. One of these accounts states that a 15 ton rock that held the temple veil in place broke in two due to the earthquake and fell through the middle of the veil tearing it in two.  It landed with such force that it caused extensive damage to the Sanhedrin’s meeting room.  The destruction to the temple from this earthquake is confirmed by multiple sources. 

Also, the Talmud records the presence of the set-apart Spirit departed from the temple in AD 30.  For exactly forty years many of the miraculous events that had previously occurred in the temple ceased to happen.  In addition the western lamp of the Menorah in the temple always went out no matter how hard they tried to keep it lit and the doors to the most set-apart place in the temple opened by themselves on a regular basis.  Up until AD 30 it took 20 strong men to open each door.  I personally believe this is a partial fulfillment of “the sign of Yonah”.  The men of Nineweh were told Yahweh would destroy them in 40 days.  They humbled themselves and escaped the pending destruction.  The men of Yahudah were given 40 years to receive Yahoshua as their Messiah; however the majority of the Yahudim rejected Him and thus were destroyed along with their temple in AD 70.

I believe this indictment is the main reason the Yahudim have grossly distorted the year of their calendar and have also worked so closely with the papacy over the years to distort the year of the death of our Messiah.  Modern religion teaches a death burial and resurrection in six different years ranging from AD 29 - AD 34 based mostly on doctrine’s of men and not historical documentation and the New Moon (ha Chodesh).        
If anyone knows of any other year with extra-Scriptural evidence supporting it as year of the death, burial and resurrection of Yahoshua I would love to hear about it.  The reason why this is so important is because once you have determined the first New Moon of the year Yahoshua died then you will be able to work out from the New Moon what day Yahoshua died.

In the year AD 30 if you understand the New Moon to be from the conjunction (not the first light) you will arrive on the 14th day of aviv being from Tuesday eve. until Wednesday eve, April 5th, on the Pope’s calendar.  This reckoning allows for three days and nights in the tomb beginning on the eve of the first night of Unleavened Bread from Wednesday until Thursday and ending at the conclusion of the Sabbath day.

This fulfills the exact words of Yahoshua (Matt 12:40), reconciles the seeming contradiction between Mark 16:1 and Luke 23:56, allows for a third day resurrection (of the Feast of Unleavened Bread) and demonstratively proves all the spring Feasts of Yahweh were fulfilled at the exact split second Yahrushalayim time in the death, burial and resurrection of Yahoshua.  If you believe in a AD 30 year as the year in which these Feasts were fulfilled, but you do not believe in the ha Chodesh as being rendered by the conjunction then you will find you cannot reconcile all of the above statements by the astronomically fixed timing of the first crescent light over Yahrushalayim.  It is impossible!

If you believe in any other year for the fulfillment of all these things you must be able to show the ability to fulfill all of these Scripturally accurate occurrences.  In other words if you cannot demonstrate from science your New Moon occurrence allows for a Wednesday death and burial then your belief will not hold up to the accurate accounting of “the Gospels” and thus your belief cannot possibly be correct.  “The Scripture” must be our final authority.

When I first started researching all of this in 2003 I could not have cared less what the conclusion might be.  I did not have any agenda and I really did not care what the final answer was.  However, the set-apart Spirit would not let me alone and I was compelled to continue to study this matter until I was able to completely reconcile history, astronomy and Scripture without any contradictions.  I spent at least a 1,000 hours researching all of these matters before I finally published my conclusions in the above mentioned article.
What I find especially fascinating is a bit of research Dewey Bruton did for “Daniel’s Time Line”.  I watched his presentation again this past week.  I believe there are many fatal flaws in his research, the most prevalent being that he uses the Hillel calendar.  However, there is still some very good information which makes it very worthwhile.  Always, always eat the meat and spit the bones, by the Word and the set-apart Spirit.  One of the tastier nuggets of “Daniel’s Time Line” is Dewey is able to show from “The Scriptures”, alone, that the original Passover took place from Tuesday evening until Wednesday evening.        

I do not believe this is to be a coincidence at all!  After all coincidence is not a kosher word!  This would mean the children of Yisrael were delivered from death (at the hand of the Mitsrayim army) unto life (through the watery hell of the red sea) on the Sabbath day!  This would be the same day Yahoshua delivered us from death unto life via His resurrection on the Sabbath!

This brings me to the second revelation I received, once again, concerning Yahoshua and His taught ones and which meal they ate the night Yahoshua was arrested.  Jenn and I literally spent an entire day racking our brains as we wrestled with “The Scriptures” trying to understand when they slaughtered the lambs and ate the Passover while in Mitsrayim, knowing Yahoshua and His taught ones would have done the same thing 1,500 years later.

At the end of the day we went to bed absolutely exhausted and completely frustrated that all of our research left us with contradictory understandings from “The Scriptures”.  As we laid our bodies down to rest for the evening I prayed and asked Yahweh to please give us the correct understanding from “The Scriptures” knowing there is no contradictions in “His Word” only in our understanding. 

The next morning for absolutely no explainable reason I pulled up the pdf file on my computer, “The Messianic Believer’s First Response Handbook” by Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky.  Amazingly, I scrolled down to the very page where he had a question and answer concerning the very question we had asked Yahweh to give us the answer to.

For the most part this handbook is very worthwhile reading and I recommend it to every Messianic believer in Yahoshua.  The author has a great deal of sarcasm in the tone of his writing, however that does not mean what he is saying is not true.  I am not endorsing this author to the body of Messiah, only this particular work, most of which I found to be insightful and useful as an apologetic tool to give a Scriptural answer to those who ask.  I have copied word for word the answer the set-apart Spirit gave us from this book starting with page 109 and continuing to page 112.  I will also list this additional resource at the appropriate place in my original paper on my blog site.


“A perfunctory examination of New Testament texts reveals that the Books of Matthew, Mark and
Luke all agree that the Last Supper was actually a Passover Seder. Bearing in mind that Yahshua was
crucified on the very next day following the Last Supper, that would mean that according to all three
synoptic Gospels, Yahshua was crucified on the first day of Passover, or the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan (for example, if tonight were a Passover Seder, then tomorrow would be the first day of Passover).

The author of the Book of John, however, completely contradicts the first three Gospels and
maintains that Yahshua was crucified on the eve of Passover, or the 14th day of Nissan. The Book of John reads, “Now it was the day of preparation for the Passover Then he handed him over to them to be
crucified (John 19:14-16).” The implications of this stunning contradiction cannot be overstated because
both claims cannot be true. In essence, this is not the sort of inconsistency that can be explained away by missionaries insisting that the reason for the varying Gospel accounts is due to different perspectives of the Gospel writers. Yahshua was crucified either on the eve of Passover, which is the 14th day of Nissan, as John contends, or on the first day of Passover, which is the 15th day of Nissan, as the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke maintain. Yahshua could not have been crucified on both days.”183


There are several accusations here that if proven true by the anti-missionary, can prove to be
worrisome. However if we delve deeper into the texts, we will see that as always the anti-missionary has
either not done his homework, or has purposely misled. The statement was made that the “Last Supper
was actually a Passover Seder.” First of all, can we prove that Yahshua did not eat the Passover, but rather ate a Memorial Meal prior to the Passover? Moreover can we prove that this pre Passover Memorial Supper may have been His last, but was not Passover? Since Yahshua was the Passover Lamb, He could not by definition eat the Passover, since the Passover was slaughtered before the Passover on the annual Preparation Day. We cannot be too hard on the anti-missionaries ignorance here because many Christians make the same errors.

The Paschal Lamb had to be killed “between the evenings” on the day of the 14th of Aviv between
3-6PM or “bayn haarbayim” (Shemot/Exodus 12:6). This killing of the Passover on the 14th in the
afternoon is confirmed in Bamidbar/Numbers 9:5. The lamb was eaten from around 5 PM right on into
the night of the 15th. That is where most get confused. The eating occurred during the latter part of the
14th, and well into the 15th. That night after sundown was the 15th, making the actual completion of the meal on the night of the 15th, with the start during the late afternoon of the 14th.

With that background, we will see exactly what the synoptic gospels do say. We will see that they
do not contradict John's gospel, but rather perfectly match. In Luke 22:7 we see that the Memorial Meal
was to be held before the Preparation Day, or the day of the slaughtering of the lamb, because the
Preparation Day of the 14th was quickly approaching late on the 13th. Luke 22:7&13 makes it clear that
the Memorial Meal was modeled after and called a Passover Preparation by Yahshua, then later in Luke

22:15 Yahshua officially states that the meal is not Passover. But, it will have to do this year, because of
His death on the official annual Preparation Day “BEFORE my suffering.” In Luke 22:14 the hour had
come and Yahshua announced that despite His great desire and zeal to celebrate the true Passover with
them, He would not, and could not, celebrate with them this year as in prior years, due to His impending
and ordained suffering in Luke 22:15. This Memorial Meal would just have to suffice!
Moreover in Luke 22:16 He states that despite His desire, the Father's will and the Father’s desire
has not allowed that. Therefore HE WILL NOT CELEBRATE PASSOVER WITH THEM THAT YEAR, or ever again for that matter, until He celebrates it with them in the coming Messianic Age or kingdom. Luke 22:15-16 cannot be clearer. Yahshua then did not eat the Passover that year. Nevertheless for preparation purposes He called it a Passover preparation, otherwise the disciples would not have known what He wanted prepared or what manner of meal He desired prepared. Since the Preparation Day is the afternoon of the 14th with the slaughter followed immediately by the meal late on the 14th turning into the 15th, He had the Memorial Meal on the night of the 14th just after the sunset on the 13th.

Now the anti-missionary has told you that the synoptic gospels teach that Yahshua ate the Passover on the first day of Passover, or on the night of the 15th. While the night of the 15th was the completion of the normal Passover meal that started late on the 14th, we can prove that Yahshua did not eat the Passover and that He was dead by the time Passover started, just like John said he was. Let’s end the confusion once and for all.

In Matthew 26:17 the Greek word normally translated first is protos. 185 The word day is not in the
Greek text and therefore cannot read “first day.” Now the word protos can either mean first or
BEFORE.186 The translators due to their ignorance of Hebraic practice, almost universally translated the
word protos as first, rather than as before. Then to make matters worse, they added the word “day” not in the actual Matthew 26:17 text. By eliminating the word day and reading the verse with the understanding that protos can mean BEFORE, depending on the context, we see that Luke matches Matthew quite well, since both insist that Before Unleavened Bread started on the night of the 15th, Yahshua had eaten and been killed.

Now what about Mark? Can Mark line up with Matthew and Luke? Well surprise, surprise,
surprise! In Mark 14:12 the Word first is protos again which according to understanding YHWH’s
calendar has to mean before, and not the alternative rendering “first.” Here we have the word protos
followed by the Word for day, which is hemera. 187 Mark 14:12 reads in the literal Greek, “Before Day
Unleavened!” “Before” the Day of Unleavened Bread, makes a whole lot more sense than “first”
day of Unleavened Bread. Just as importantly, it causes Mark to line up perfectly with both Luke and
Matthew. Yahshua was killed BEFORE the FIRST of UNLEAVENED BREAD!

Lets tackle John. Actually rather than contradict the synoptic accounts, John makes our point and
YHWH’s truth even clearer! In John 13:1 the word before the Festival of the Passover is guess what?
“Pro”188 meaning BEFORE, and is the root word and derivative from which protos is derived in the
other gospels. The word “pro” by itself is a primary preposition. Had the translators translated with
just a drop of “Leviticus 23 understanding”, all gospels would match as both “protos,” and “pro” would
be translated “before Passover” and “before Unleavened Bread”, since as we all have figured out by
now that Messiah Yahshua couldn’t be the Passover on the afternoon of the 14th, and later eat the
Passover on the night of the 15th, since dead men don’t each much! John 13:1 confirms that all this
activity took place prior to Passover night. Also the word in John 12:1 speaking of Yahshua visiting
Bethany before His death, is the word “pro”189 again meaning before Passover.

The Book of John rather than contradicting all three synoptic gospels, confirms all three with the
clear usage of pro the root of protos. The events described at the Memorial Meal by John are unique
insights into the actual details of the Memorial Last Supper, and provide a different look into the events of that night on the 14th just after sundown. The addition of those details only found in John, enriches the understanding, rather than contradicting the description of the events, mentioned in the three synoptic gospels.

John 19:14-15 beautifully nails down this understanding for us. In verse 14 we see Yahshua dying
BEFORE PASSOVER, officially beginning between 3-5PM by dying at 3PM during the normal annual
Jewish Preparation Day, when all the lambs were slaughtered. John 19:30 confirms this timing. Then the
clincher is found in John 19:31 where we see that Yahshua died on the Preparation Day of the Passover
lamb, not the “first day” of Unleavened Bread, but rather “protos” or BEFORE UNLEAVENED BREAD. John 19:42 reiterates that the death took place on the afternoon of the 14th, the traditional annual Preparation Day and time. John 18:28 and John 18:39 are both further clear confirmations that Yahshua was killed BEFORE “pro” or “protos” Passover, and both the Jews refusing to be “ritually defiled” by entering a gentile edifice, along with the releasing of a prisoner in honor of the “upcoming Passover”, are crystal clear pre Passover events. This understanding clears up both the Memorial Supper/Passover question, as it also sets in order the proper understanding of the events, and the actual dates of the Master Yahshua's crucifixion!

Now what was that, which Tovia Singer was saying about Yahshua being crucified on two different days?”

From: The Messianic Believer’s First Response Handbook
Providing Life Saving Answers to Anti-Missionary Activity
By Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky

I cannot say it clear enough or loud enough.  I do not mean this research to be condemning to anyone else and their walk with Messiah.  We are all on a journey and we are all heading in the same direction.  Just as a pilot navigating a car, a ship or a plane, must make many minimal corrections to arrive safely at their final destination, so we must be willing to make every adjustment required of us when our Messiah speaks to our hearts, so that we may arrive safely at the destinations He has intended for us between now and His soon return.

Shalom, shalom to all,
In Sincerity and In Truth,
Robert  McDuffie ~ Yeshayahu 1:19-20
Ps.  I do not know the significance of this realization; however I thought it was worthwhile to share with everyone.  I had previously mentioned to Jenn that even though all the Messianic believers we knew were keeping Passover on varying dates at least we would all be keeping “First Fruits” and “Shavuot” (Pentecost) on the same days.  As I thought on this further I realized that even the Jews following the Hillel calendar and the Roman Catholics and Protestants, Baptist and most other Christians following the Popes calendar would also be observing the correct days for these two feasts.  Like I said, I do not know the true significance of it so I would appreciate it if you would share with me what you think it means.

Maybe of equal note is that next year the conjunction calendar and the Hillel calendar mark the same day for Passover in 2013.            

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